Minutes November 2019



Minutes of the Tumby Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 25th November 2019 at 8pm at High House Farm, Tumby Moorside.


Chairman:                           Cllr R Wilson

Councillors:                         Cllr P Hodgson                   Cllr T Spurrier

                                                Cllr J Scarborough            Cllr H Scarborough

District Councillors:         Cllr S Avison                       Cllr A Hall

Clerk:                                    Mrs A Appleyard

Public Forum

Fifteen minutes were allocated for members of the public to speak.  No members of the public were present at the meeting.

1301.                     Welcome by Chairman

Cllr Wilson welcomed everyone to the meeting.

1302.                     Apologies for Absence

Apologies had been received from Cllr Lee and Cllr Foster, District Councillor.

1303.                     Declarations of Interest

There were no Declaration of Interests brought before the meeting.

1304.                     Minutes

 Draft minutes of the meeting held on Monday 2nd September had been circulated prior to the meeting.  It was proposed by Cllr Spurrier and seconded by Cllr Scarborough that these be accepted as a true and accurate record.  Cllr Wilson duly signed the minutes.

1305.                     Highways

Cllr Wilson reported that a meeting had taken place earlier in the month between Cllr Davies and one of his colleagues from Highways, Cllr Ashton, Cllr Spurrier, Mrs Appleyard and himself at Gibbet Nook.  The impression was given that Highways are not interested in spending money on the Gibbet Nook junction and that a mini roundabout is most definitely not an option.  They were in fact quite negative about the issue, saying that because no one has been killed there its not a major problem!  Various options were discussed to help alleviate some of the issues at the junction.  One option was to put a yellow square stopping people queuing on the road at the entrance to the garage, another was to have one entrance into the garage and the other one out, although this would prove very difficult for larger vehicles, in particular lorries.  Cllr Davies said that they would get in touch with the Co-op to see if any solution could be reached.  Cllr Ashton took Cllr Davies on a tour of the rest of the Parish pointing out issues such as the collapsed road outside Cllr Wilson’s farm, the potholes along the road from Tumby Woodside to Sandy Bank Road and the junction at Tumby Woodside.  The


junction at Tumby Woodside will be looked at to see if a change of priority is possible.  Thanks, were expressed to Cllr Scarborough for cutting back the bush on his side of the road at the junction.

Other Highway concerns included a large pothole outside of Mr Mellor’s at Haltham.  This has caused issues for many vehicles.

1306.                     Accounts

The clerk presented the following accounts for payment:

H M Revenue & Customs – PAYE – Cheque Number 000314 - £30.60

A Appleyard – Salary Sept/Oct/Nov – Cheque Number 000315 - £121.89

A Appleyard – Expenses/Room Hire – Cheque Number 000316 - £43.91

PKF Littlejohn LLP – Audit Fees – Cheque Number 000317 - £48.00

It was resolved to pay these accounts.  This was proposed by Cllr Spurrier and seconded by Cllr Scarborough.

1307.                     Budget/Precept

The clerk had prepared budget figures for the Councillors which had been circulated prior to the meeting.  It was proposed by Cllr Spurrier and seconded by Cllr Hodgson that the precept be set at £1000 for the forthcoming year.  All in favour.  The clerk will fill in the necessary form for ELDC.

1308.                     Police Matters

Deer Poachers have been in the area again within the last three weeks.   There has been no hare coursing within the Parish with Old Leake being the nearest place to have problems.  There was nothing else to report. 

1309.                     Correspondence

Correspondence had been circulated prior to the meeting.  There was nothing to bring to the meeting from the correspondence received.  Correspondence included LALC newsletter, Citizens Advice – Application for Funding, LCC – Adoption of the LCC Statement of Community Involvement and LCC – Recommendations for Highways 2020 contracts.

1310.                     Parish Matters

The clerk advised that funding had been confirmed for a new noticeboard.  She thanked the District Councillors for their support in obtaining the funding.  Mareham Le Fen have mended the old noticeboard.  She will speak with the Clerk at Mareham Le Fen to see if the new noticeboard can be put alongside there’s.

1311.                     Date and Time of Next Meeting

The next meeting of Tumby Parish Council will be held at High House Farm, Tumby Moorside on Monday 24th February 2020 at 8pm.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.26pm

Signed:                                                                                 Chairman             Date: